Emilys Thoughts

I am a year 10 Student, at a private school, Sydney, Nsw

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Superior Teacher

I used to think that there were only really two breeds of teacher. The first is "the blissful teacher" that in their first couple of years of teaching has a hard time with the students, yells occasionally in class, always wears a smile no matter what the circumstance, gets cranky when the time to write reports rolls around but is genuinely a happy person-caring and just high on life.

The second is "the repulsive teacher", the teacher that in all circumstances needs to be kept away from, this teacher yells and screams significantly in class, find any little means in which they will persecute you, is angry and snappy all year long, somehow hasn't learnt how to smile and most probably is either divorced or old and unmarried.

But no, this year i have discovered yet another breed of teacher....usually only one or two per school, believe me thats enough, "the bizarre teacher". this is a most dangerous breed, one not to be trifled with. oh, they may seem very all and well for the first couple of months. the months i like to call the 'settling in months', the months in which they settle in and then once they have done that they can begin to weave their web of lies, deception and just plain mess around with your mind.....not to mention that they are friggin weird!

well it just happens that i am a student of one of these teachers, lets call her Mrs X. Mrs X also happens to be my drama teacher, it seems that drama teachers have a reputation for being a bit nutty and out of the water, but this teacher blows the water right out.

i have to admit that when Mrs X first became my teacher i loved her. i thought that she was so bubbly and different and just high on life. i couldn't wait till drama, i couldn't wait to get into that classroom and laugh and have fun. it soon became all too clear what she was really like and it was completely different to what i first thought. to me she was no longer the bubbly and wonderful teacher...she slowly but surely began to show her true colours. she was now a nauseating and unthoughtful teacher that no one could stand being around for too long!

let me describe an incident that she was involved in or should i say 'started'. these incidents have happened this year, although there are many other incidents that follow.
this year we only have 6 people in our class. the group is small and intimate and everyone has a good time. in this particular lesson we were practicing for the 'Shakespeare Festival' which was coming up shortly. my friend and i were quietly talking in the corner while the rest of the class was practicing their section of the scenes.

Mrs X then began to yell at us and at one point swore and called us 'bitches' saying that we were being rude and disrupting. now i know that in a sense we should have been watching and paying attention but the whole class agreed that her outburst was totally unnecessary. after she yelled at us and calmed down the class erupted in laughter. if i could only remember the numerous hysterical and weird things she said.

everyone left that lesson laughing. although we shouldn't have fueled the fire, though how could you not, we all figured that she would be over it, just like every lesson. how wrong we were. she then stopped my friend and i and told us that we had to see her at lunch. 'okay' we thought 'we'll go and just explain to her that we were only whispering and we didn't mean to disrupt the class'. so off we went to her staffroom. she wasn't in her room so we asked the Head of Drama where she was. He said that we would have to go and find her and she was probably on duty. we then proceeded to looked for her and finally found her around B-block.

we cautiously walked up to her ready to explain until she gave us the biggest death look and yelled at us. at this point my friend and i exchanged glances which said 'didn't she want us to go and see her? what is this all about?' she said that we were supposed to see Mr Y the Head of Drama, that he was going to talk to us about what had happened today. then off she bounded to Mr Y and we sheepishly followed, not knowing what the hell was going on.

when we arrived back at the staffroom Mrs X then had hushed tones with Mr Y who obviously didn't know what was going on either. one at a time Mr Y took my friend and i into the nearby room to talk to us. he said that Mrs X said that we were always disrupting the lesson, we were always putting down other students (one of which has turetz) and numerous other accusations.

my friend and i were completely blown away by what she said, and the fact that she couldn't even say it to our faces. she had to use the Head of Drama as a pawn to talk to us...even when he hasn't even taught us before and barely even knows our names. although we tried to defend ourselves its hard when you're the student. i mean what child hasn't been told off once or twice for talking in class or not putting their hand up or whatever, but what this teacher was saying about us was completely off the graph!

Our parents were completely outraged by what Mrs X had to say. One of which even tried to schedule a meeting in which they could basically yell and defend their child from these out of line accusations. she didn't comply of course. she said that she would love to have a meeting but then didn't end up actually properly organizing the meeting.

My mother who just happens to be a teacher at the same school was absolutely disgusted at what this teacher had said. so much so that she can barely look her in the eye or hold a conversation with her, even though Mrs X thinks that everything is alright.

there is a lot more that i could tell you on this teacher but i think that I'll wrap up and save it for another post. but i must add that the next week, in our class she actually walked backwards while she was bossily explaining something to one of my fellow classmate and fell over a little set of black drama stairs and broke her arm in three places and hurt her back. many people think it was karma, that she deserved it for what she did and what she is continually doing. in a tiny way i think that she may have deserved it but in the long run no one really deserves that kind of pain.

its funny that on my recent report she wrote that i was always disrupting the lesson and my most recent performance was basically pathetic, but I'm actually coming a close second in the class just behind my friend who was also abused by her. its also funny that now she is sucking hundreds of dollars out of the school system for transport and medical bills, etc. I'm just glad that the heats off me! :)
